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Portinvest Representatives Attend International Finance Corporation (IFC) Conference
2019-08-28 12:08:44
Representatives of more than 25 Ukrainian and foreign companies, including from the UK, Qatar, China, the USA, Turkey, France, Switzerland, South Korea and Japan, participated in a conference for potential participants in the concessionaire selection of SE “Stevedoring Company ( SC) "O...
Communications Director Portinvest commented on CCP legislative innovations on environmental work in ports in the country
2019-08-28 12:10:34
In September 2018, the Verkhovna Rada adopted bill No. 7010, designed to address the issue of environmental inspections in ports. But not all the problems of the port community have been eliminated, and environmental inspectors continue to bother business. ...
Portinvest Logistic took part in the Council of Izmail Port
2019-12-11 10:55:54
The Izmail Seaport Council at the next meeting on Friday, May 25, 2018, updated the staff of the body. Among other issues on the agenda are the approval of a unified provision on the Port Council, the analysis of the implementation of instructions from the previous meeting of the Port Council....
Occupational Health and Safety Manager
Украина, Киев
Основные задачи
Ведение учета основных средств, МБП, материалы и МАНА
Учет ГСМ
Авансовые отчеты по подотчетным лицам, оформление командировок, списание билетов с учетом командировок, отсле...
Treasury Financial Analyst
Украина, Киев
Основные задачи
Ведение учета основных средств, МБП, материалы и МАНА
Учет ГСМ
Авансовые отчеты по подотчетным лицам, оформление командировок, списание билетов с учетом командировок, отсле...
Украина, Киев
Основные задачи
Ведение учета основных средств, МБП, материалы и МАНА
Учет ГСМ
Авансовые отчеты по подотчетным лицам, оформление командировок, списание билетов с учетом командировок, отсле...